Monster hunter riders magnamalo
Monster hunter riders magnamalo

In this form, it can also direct Hellfire dust in the direction of its tail stab for a good distance, so it's important to dodge to the side instead of away. It can surround itself in exploding Hellfire dust while standing on its hind legs before slamming down on nearby enemies, making positioning important. Magnamalo's more dangerous attacks come when it's all fired up. Most of its attacks can also come from across areas with a dash, so keep an eye on it at all times. Magnamalo is stationary for these last two attacks, giving players an opening if playing online. It will also swing its tail like a wand before firing a cone-shaped beam of Hellfire pulses for bigger damage.

monster hunter riders magnamalo

They don't do tons of damage but will cause Hellfire Blight. With its tail, Magnamalo can casually toss one or two orbs or get more serious and fire out several. It also has ranged attacks, so ranged Hunters aren't necessarily safe either. It has two more tail attacks, a smash and a stab, which can come from afar or nearby but cause it to pause, giving blade users a chance at its tail for a few seconds before it recovers. This is a good opportunity to attack if you can quickly get away from its front.

monster hunter riders magnamalo monster hunter riders magnamalo

The second ground smash can come as a surprise as it looks like Magnamalo pauses after the first one when really, it's a wind-up. Except for the ground smash, these are its least effective moves. Its simpler attacks include swiping at nearby Hunters, smashing the ground once or twice, biting and a tail swing.

Monster hunter riders magnamalo